Midday Light Can Be A Challenge

During the middle of the day the sun is at the highest point in the sky and it is directly above us.  When light hits us from directly above it can be unflattering and cast harsh shadows on the face. You will see the shadows under the eyes, nose, mouth and neck. However, this is the time we are out and about with our family. We want to document our adventures throughout the entire day and in all different lighting conditions.  These tips can help you manage the harsh midday sun and still take great pictures of your Family

1.  Move your child into some shade.  Find the shade of a building or an overhang or some trees. If you are on the beach, use your umbrella.  Bring your child to the edge of the shade and this will protect them from harsh over head light, but bring softer light into their face and eyes

2.  If you are having a hard time finding shade, you can take your pictures from above your children and have them look up. This has them looking at the sky and the light will fall evenly on their face. When trying this be mindful of the sun’s location and try and keep it behind your child so they are looking away from the sun.  

3.  Finally, step back and take wide open shots.  Capture your children in their surroundings and show them exploring, playing in the water and sand.  When you take the wide open shots, the harsh shadows are less distracting.

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Celebrating our Children's Milestones


Happy 1st Birthday!