Great Ideas For Your Pre-Prom Shots!

1. Find Flattering Light
This is probably one of the most important tips to use. If you have squinting eyes and furrowed brows, it doesn't matter how beautiful your background is, your people are not going to like the pictures if they don’t look good.

Bright Sunny Day - Look for open shade.  This can be found at the sides of buildings, alleyways, under thick large trees or the edge of a forest. If using a tree, be sure to avoid the sunspots between branches.  Try to have the sun to the back of your group or just off to the backside about 45 degrees.  The group should be in the shade and face towards an open sky.
Cloudy and Overcast - In this lighting situation, you want your group to be facing towards the sun, even if it is located behind the clouds.  

This was taken at 4pm at the fork of the Chicago River. The sun was still high in the sky and I needed to find soft and even light to flatter this family group shot. I situated them in the open shade created by the large building to the right.

2. Get Everyone Close
There should not be any space between the people in your shot. Get them to squeeze together, wrap arms around each other, or give a side hug.  If you have a number of couples, have the women put their belly button to the guy’s hip.  The guy should wrap his arm around her waist and tug her in close.

3. Get Higher
Shooting from a slightly higher angle can flatter your group as it has a slimming effect on most people.  All you need is a small step stool.

4. Get Variety
It does not take long to add some variety to your pictures by getting a bit closer or further away from your group.  Do one at full length to show off the girl’s dresses, do another at ¾ length (waist up) and then finally get in close for the headshots.


My On-Location Headshot Package might be a great option for your pre-prom photos!


Tips For Improving The Composition Of Your Smartphone Pictures


Branding Photo Session in Lake Forest, IL