Behind the Scenes of the Planning for My Own Brand Photo Session

women sitting at a desk, holding a phone, next to a computer. She is smiling at the camera

HOW I’M ELEVATING MY BRANDING SERVICES: I'm on the verge of immersing myself in a retreat for branding photography. Just three weeks away from an experience that promises excitement, learning, and a chance to step outside my comfort zone. I am thrilled to be creating, experimenting, and learning under the guidance of the experienced Paula Brennan, an expert Branding Photographer from Australia. I truly value personal growth and development and can’t wait to bring back all that I will learn to my business where I can elevate the experience I offer to you, my clients!

MY OWN BRAND PHOTO SESSION! An exciting part of this retreat is the inclusion of my own branding session. Beyond being a much-needed refresh for my own photos, it's the perfect opportunity to walk in the shoes of a client undergoing a personal brand photo session. This experience allows me to keenly observe workflows, client support nuances, and personal touches that I can incorporate into my own processes.

THE EXCITEMENT and ANTICIPATION: I can already empathize with the mix of emotions my clients might be feeling as they prepare for their own sessions. The excitement and anticipation are undeniably present, tinged with a hint of apprehension and stress as every detail comes together. However, the support and guidance I'm receiving from my photographer is invaluable, as it helps to balance these feelings. I know this meticulous planning and effective communication from my photographer will give me the confidence when it comes time to step in front of the camera.

THE PRE-SESSION BRAND QUESTIONNAIRE: The Brand Questionnaire is a vital tool in effectively communicating your brand, story and goals for the session to your photographer. My recent blog goes into depth of how the questionnaire really sets the stage for a successful brand photo shoot. Check out the blog here!

BRAND STRATEGY SESSION: Over the past month, a crucial step in this journey was a 1:1 strategy session with my photographer. This type of meeting can be held via video call or in person. It allows us to outline the session's details, identify main scenarios to capture, set the mood and energy for the images, and review outfit choices, accessories, and props. When working with my clients, I prefer in-person meetings as I can understand my lighting needs, explore ideal locations, and deepen the  connection with my client.

WHAT OUTFITS TO BRING? Selecting outfits has been a fun and thoughtful process for me. Each outfit is a true reflection of my personal style, staying true to who I am in various settings—meeting clients, working from home, or enjoying my favorite activities. As a lesson from my own planning experience, I plan to encourage clients to bring more outfit options for their sessions, providing them with even more variety and versatility in their images.

GATHERING PROPS:Another key part of preparing for my brand photo session was gathering props. Consider how props can play a pivotal role in illustrating your business and brand. Beyond the usual computer and phone, think about tangible items that showcase your process or customer journey—PDF guides, presentations, whiteboards, or anything else you use to create and get work done. Vision boards can also add a personal touch.

BEING PREPARED: Lastly, a valuable suggestion I'll be implementing as I work with my clients is to have them grab screenshots of pages on their site, call-to-actions in marketing materials, and save them to devices for easy accessibility. This ensures a smooth session without the hassle of uploading and potential internet issues.

In sharing my planning journey, I hope to provide insight into the thoughtful and strategic process that goes into creating impactful brand images. Stay tuned for the results of my own brand photo session, where I bring together all these elements to showcase the essence of my brand!

Want to start a conversation and learn more about how a brand photo session could work for your business?

Are you thinking about your own brand photo session?

Want some more suggestions on how to get in the right mindset?

Check out my guide “Mastering A Successful Brand Photo Session


Documenting your Child's First Birthday with Photos


Getting Ready For Your Brand Photo Session: The Importance Of The Brand Discovery Questionnaire