Take Gorgeous Selfies With Your Smartphone Every Time!

Nicola Levine Photography_how to take a selfie.jpg

The trick to taking a flattering selfie is to make sure you have plenty of light on your face!

When you have good light, your skin texture and color is beautiful and your eyes will be full of light and twinkle

  1. Put the sun at your back and off to the side.

  2. Make sure there is wide open space in front of you. There should not be any buildings or trees in front of you when taking a selfie.

  3. Try to find a neutral ground cover (snow & concrete work well) or a white wall. These neutral color elements will create soft clean light to reflect into your face. At this time of year, the snow acts as a natural reflector and bounces soft light back onto your face. This lights up your eyes and reduces texture (wrinkles and blemishes) on your face.

  4. Make sure to raise your camera a bit above eye level. Shooting from a higher angle is much more flattering.


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