Tall Tree Pilates: Sharing A Brand Narrative With Photography

Meet Tabitha Green, an extraordinary woman who uses Pilates as a modality to help fellow women with chronic illness embrace their bodies and rediscover joy in their activities.  Tabitha is an accomplished Persistent Pain Pilates Educator who specializes in women’s health, Chronic Pain Management and pre/postnatal Pilates. Tabitha is approachable and calm, yet infused with a playful energy. Tabitha exudes a welcoming and trustworthy vibe, providing her clients with a sense of comfort and security. In her role, she not only supports them in navigating the challenges of pain and fatigue linked to chronic illnesses but also uplifts and empowers them to advocate for their well-being. 

Recently, Tabitha sought a branding photo session to curate a diverse collection of images for her upcoming website launch, online Pilates courses, and social media promotions. In preparation for the session and to determine the shot list, Tabitha considered various ways she would utilize her images. Given her focus on creating online courses, we captured shots showcasing Pilates positions directly related to her course content, aimed at enhancing understanding and supporting her learning objectives.


For her website, a selection of headshot-style images against a plain wall, showcasing various expressions, was essential. These images had a tight crop featuring Tabitha focused and engaged with the camera. Additionally, lifestyle images were created to foster connection with her fellow women with chronic illness. These images reflect her calm, approachable, yet playful vibe, and touch on her personal experiences with chronic illness.

Pictures of a Pilates business owner who provides courses for woman with chronic illness

To add depth to her brand, detail shots highlighting elements associated with Tabitha's identity, such as her yoga mat, books, and close-ups of Pilates positions, were incorporated.

branding pictures for a pilates online business. Detail shots

All the images we created, can also be used to tell her story on social media, email marketing, blogs, lead magnets, and educational pieces for her community.

Recognizing the significance of brand photography as a crucial tool, Tabitha's images bring together key elements that define her brand. They not only reflect her visual identity but also serve as a powerful means to communicate her story and message to her community.

If you are interested in learning more about brand photography, please get in touch! We can set up a consultation call, talk about your business and the goals you have for creating and using images in your content!


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