Can I Bring Our Family Dog To A Portrait Session? Absolutely!
I love dogs! My family had dogs growing up and even today we have a 65 pound Bernadoodle named Althea. There is no doubt about it, dogs are an important part of a family. Capturing the bond between your family and your dog in timeless portraits is a wonderful way to celebrate the love and happiness they bring to your lives.
Meet Althea! Our family dog. If you are a Grateful Dead fan, you will understand the reference!
I can work with dogs of all sizes, young and old. I am flexible and can just go with the flow, however, it does help to have some expectations in place prior to the session so we are able to make the most of it and capture the images your family will cherish for years to come!
If you are going to bring a dog to a portrait session consider the following:
LOCATION: Make sure the location you are choosing for the session permits dogs. There are many forest preserves in Chicago’s North Shore who do not allow dogs.
PREPARATION: Make sure your dog is well-exercised beforehand to help reduce excess energy. Consider grooming your dog before the session to ensure they look their best. Bring a few of their favorite treats to keep their attention and reward good behavior. You might want to bring them to the location beforehand to help them acclimate to the surroundings.
PATIENCE: Photographing dogs can be challenging, as they may not always cooperate or follow instructions. I aim to capture a few key images and then let your pup take a break for the session.
SAFETY: Always keep your dog on a leash, even if they are well-trained, to prevent any unexpected situations. It is helpful to have someone at the session, who is not going to be in the pictures, there to manage and take care of the dog. This prevents the family from being distracted and will allow the family to focus on getting amazing images. Alternatively, some of my clients have been able to leave the dog in the car for part of the session. This works if your dog can tolerate this separation and the weather is appropriately cool.
So, if you're wondering, "Can I bring our family dog to a portrait session?" The answer is absolutely! With a little planning and preparation we can create beautiful and meaningful portraits that include every member of your family, including the four-legged ones.